Leaving Bridgwater, once quite a grand town judging by its older buildings, but recent architecture and modern times have made it less than desirable, was quite a relief. Riding towards Glastonbury we cycled through villages of which one was named Chedzoy (very Somerset ish!) then across the Somerset Levels where we first spotted Glastonbury Tor in the distance. Much more impressive were the well kept colourful, fragrant gardens on route. Glastonbury High Street itself was full of vibrant spiritual people and one lady called out “Cor, I ain’t seen one of them for a long time!”(referring to Daisy tandem) in a strong Cockney accent! Up the hill from Glastonbury we came to the foot of the Tor and we were then more able to appreciate it and the tower on the top. It was then on to Wells, past the Bishop’s Palace and Cathedral, up to Wookey Hole and then one killer of a hill over The Mendips, with amazing views on the way up. A much more gentler ride down into Chew Valley and partially round it’s massive Lake. Tonight’s B&B is in the historic village of Chew Magna which has retained its grandeur.

Distance cycled today 47.5 miles

Total climbs today 2306 ft

At the foot of the Tor
A Somerset Milestone
Well earned refreshments at Priddy village on top of The Mendips