With loads of sunscreen applied we set off gently to ease our legs into today’s ride. Out of Dulverton and back on route 3 cycle path, which we have been following since our start at Land’s End. The very green lanes and fields were only interrupted by the reddy orange stone walls, cottages and dust of the same colour on the roads and the occasional black faced sheep peering through the hedges. While climbing a hill we were joined by a well wisher and his 6 year old son on an unusual looking old electric bike with a plywood box arrangement at the back where the boy sat with a bag of charcoal in front of him and all only about 1 foot off the ground . Approaching Nynehead the road led us up through a splendid gorge in which we stopped for a while to enjoy it’s serenity.The route zig zagged through Taunton and onto the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal path along which we heard a young couple cycling behind us say “We are doing that!” They were referring to the Land’s End to John O’Groats printed on the back of our tops. We chatted for a while, wished them well and watched them speed off in front of us.

We continued into Bridgwater and to our accommodation for the next 2 nights.

Rest day tomorrow!

Total distance today 46 miles

Total hill climbs 1919 ft

One of many Somerset Churches we passed.
Admiring the gorge.
Canal boat on the Bridgwater and Taunton Canal.