We woke this morning to have this view from our bedroom window, when we arrived yesterday the sea mist had obliterated it.

The ruins of Castle Varrich

In complete contrast to yesterday’s inland ride, today’s was mostly coastal and very tough because of the steep climbs. To give you some idea here is the elevation data from our guide book.

Lots of ups and downs!

It was a real pleasure to be looking down on the Atlantic Ocean seawater in the Kyle of Tongue and to watch the tiny looking vehicles crossing the causeway.

The Kyle of Tongue causeway

The Bay of Tongue has several islands within it.

Houses with lovely views…..
….of The Bay and The Islands

It wasn’t long before we couldn’t resist stopping again to look at the fantastic seascape.

View from Coldbackie
Beyond the Islands there is nothing until The Arctic !

Nearing the top of a climb at around 8 miles at Glen Borgie we checked our maps after seeing this sign. …..

……… because we definitely didn’t want to ride into the unknown !

It was aother climb up to Bettyhill and we wondered about the history of this building on the way up.

We often like to look at the hill we have just climbed and it never ceases to amaze us!

Looking back!

Today the sky was blue but the ocean was even bluer!

Sea Blue!

A little further on we had a reminder of how near we are to finishing this adventure.

Not long now!

Dropping down to a more level ride towards Thurso, the land became flatter with fields full of sheep.

Sheep everywhere!

Something we have never seen before was the thousands of stone slabs which are used to enclose fields and gardens in this area which look eerily like headstones!

Unusual walling

We completed today’s ride at Thurso our B & B for the night.

Last ride tomorrow!

Total distance today: 44 miles

Total hill climbs: 3060ft