Rest day 5 over and we were keen to get going. Quick bike checks before setting off revealed the back chain had stretched (as expected) so it would need replacing in the next few days. Our planned 8 mile stop at Milnthorpe to get food supplies for tonight’s meal had an added bonus of being next to Mal the Bike Guy’s shop, so new chain purchased.

Nearby we passed Dallam Tower Estate , we were impressed by it and it’s views.

Dallam Tower Estate
….and the view from it’s front room !

Riding on and climbing we were soon looking across to views of The Lake District fells to our left and The Yorkshire Dales to our right.

Lake District View

Climbing higher still we could see Morecambe Bay appear as the lane we were riding through wound around the landscape

Morecambe Bay shining out.

Speeding down the steep descents complete with sharp bends gave the brakes another severe testing!

The route crossed a bridge over the M6 and we were then entering the Yorkshire Dales National Park at Beck Foot ….

…..through The Lowgill Viaduct.

Lowgill Viaduct built in 1859.

We rode a few hundred metres from and parallel to the M6, the railway and the River Lune all alongside each other, for several miles. It was quite surreal to view the business of the motorway and train line from the remoteness of our viewpoint.

Keen eyes will see the M6, railway and river.

Further down the road we spotted a sheep stuck half way through a fence complete with brambles entangled in his wool so we stopped to help free him. However on seeing us approaching he gave a super sheep wriggle and freed himself!

After another big climbing day the last hill climb today was up to our B&B for the night at Newbiggin-on-Lune

Total distance today 37 miles

Total Hill Climbs 3631 ft